So I have this dress that I never's just too darn immodest. I'd have to wear a shrug or cardigan with leggings to pull it off....cheesy:( So here's another tutorial: Dress to Skirt. I apologize for the pics, but all I have is my phone. If you can tell, the top is elastic-y with buttons all the way down to the ruffle at the bottom.
Had to hurry and stick on a shirt so I could pull it down to my knee...
EXPLANATION OF STEP 7: If you look at Step 3, I want the height of the skirt to be about where the bottom of the elastic-y part of the dress ends (about 1" above the button). STEP 7B: I added in an extra 1" to where I wanted the top of the skirt to be so I could fold it down and sew...don't want no raw edges. That's why I measured my cutting line at 2" above the button in Step 7. WOW that was a lot--make any sense??? haha
If you don't get it, read down to step 10 and the explanation below it.
That way I didn't have to measure and mark the cutting line all the way around...ugh
That's why I cut it 2" above the button is Step 7, cuz 3/4" + 3/4" (for casing) = 1 1/2"
1/4" seam allowance x 2 (because when you sew the casing after it's folded down, you're taking 1/4" out of each side) = 1/2"
1/2" + 1 1/2" = 2" (which is why my cutting line is 2" above button)
make sense??
I forgot to mention here that after you pin the two elastic edges together, make sure they're not twisted and then sew them together so you can stretch the top of the skirt and get all the elastic spread out.
And with a leopard belt:
P.S. This is what I wore to
Tuacahn when we got those
discount tickets to go 2 nights in a was really hot and the skirt kept me cool...loved it!!